Department of International Relations

International cooperation with higher universities abroad

In order to implement the international plan of the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in the city of Kulob and train highly qualified specialists in technical and technological industries in the first half of the 2023-2024 academic year, the range of scientific and cultural cooperation with international universities abroad has been greatly expanded.

  Since 2009, the Institute of Technology and Innovative Management in Kulob has cooperation agreements with more than 45 universities of the Russian Federation, 15 universities of the European Union, 12 universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 8 universities of the People's Republic of China, the USA and other foreign universities, on the basis of which Tajik students are studying in the following universities:

The Institute is expanding the range of its cooperation every year in training specialists for foreign countries students, interns, postgraduates, doctoral students. The Institute also cooperates with international foundations to improve the skills of teachers, develop and print books, educational materials, access to educational literature and modern technology.

Since the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year, the Institute has signed cooperation agreements with a number of research centers and higher education institutions abroad, covering six main areas:

  1. Training of competitive professional specialists for the Republic of Tajikistan;
  2. Training of scientific-pedagogical personnel;
  3. Conducting joint scientific research: development of 10 joint scientific and innovative and diploma projects;
  4. Establishment of joint specialties;
  5. Development and joint printing of 10 units of specialized textbooks together with scientists from cooperating universities.
  6. Conducting international scientific and practical conferences, round tables, symposiums, classes in the form of presence and virtual;

The joint Tajik-Russian scientific school  Technologies of basic scientific perspectives in industry, economy and agro-industrial complex  operates in the institute, which is headed by Professor Suslov A. G. and by the Republic of Tajikistan doctor of technical sciences, professor Ibrogimov H.I. are responsible

The scientific school conducts research in the following scientific areas:

  1. Science-based technologies in the field of mechanical engineering.
  2. Science-based technologies in the food industry.
  3. Science-based technologies in the field of light industry.
  4. Scientific technologies in the field of economics.
  5. Science of technology in the field of informatics science and technology


  1. Science-based technologies in agriculture.

For the preparation of specialists in the field of medicine at the Institute of Technology and Innovative Management in the city of Kulob, all conditions have been created, and at the same time, to increase the level of knowledge of students, specialists, teachers with degrees and academic degrees have been recruited from the higher professional institutions of the Russian Federation, through virtual (online) , they are teaching students. With the initiative of the directorate of the joint Tajik-Russian faculty and the perspective technologies of basic science and the department of medical biochemistry and pharmaceutical activity of the Medical University of the city of Kemerovo of the Russian Federation, candidate of medical sciences Fedorova Yulia Sergeevna was involved in the educational process in the specialties 1-31050103 chemistry (pharmaceutical activity), 1- 31010105 medical biochemistry conducted an online course on pharmacology.

As part of the fruitful cooperation between the Institute of Technology and Innovative Management in Kulob and the Kuban State Agrarian University of the Russian Federation, an online training course for teachers was organised. As part of the  Digital Economy course, the topic  Artificial intelligence in the economy  was studied from 20.11.2023 to 30.11.2023 by N.I., associate professor of the finance department of Kuban State Agrarian University of the Russian Federation. 14 teachers enrolled in this course and passed the course by passing the exam online. Certificates of teachers were handed over at a ceremonial meeting.

At the Faculty of Digital Economics and Artificial Intelligence, Doctor of Economics Shevchenko Y.S. taught corporate finance in the specialties of financial management, finance and credit, accounting, travel and hospitality. 23.11.2023 on the topic assessment of the financial situation of an organization, Candidate of Economics Lyubov Konstantinovna Ulybina conducted online classes for 3rd year students of the specialty 1-250104 finance and credit, Dmitry Konstantinovich Ivanitsky, Doctor of Economics on the topic  Digital economy as military economic management online lesson held.

It should be noted that the leadership of the Institute of Technology and Innovative Management in Kulob has conducted all the activities for the preparation of business professionals at the expense of teachers and students and has established cooperation with foreign universities at a high level.

The Rector of the Institute, Mr. Shahiyon Almossho Nabot, on 04.11.23, received the representative of Kuban State Agrarian University of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Artem Vasilievich Stepovoy, and expressed his satisfaction with the policy of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of the Russian Federation.

Then the issues of teaching students at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels, organizing online classes, training courses for teachers, training specialists in the field of agriculture, developing industry books, organizing joint conferences and other issues were discussed. This issue was accepted with satisfaction by both sides.

After the meeting with the rector of the Institute, a representative of the Kuban State Agrarian University of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Artem Stepova, met with students. At this meeting, the conditions of study and the opportunities provided by this university were demonstrated, questions and answers with this representative were presented in the form of a video.

As part of the implementation of the instructions and orders of the Founder of National Peace and Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon and the Government of the country in connection with the strengthening of commercial and economic, cultural and humanitarian relations and the development of industries, the official staff of the Executive Body of the state power of the city of Kulob and the circle of entrepreneurs under the leadership of the Chairman city of Kulob,dear Nazarzoda Bakhtiyor Khudoyar and the rector of the Institute of Technology and Innovative Management in Kulob, Doctor of Technical Sciences Shahiyon Almossho Nabot, made an official visit to the city of Hunia, Republic of Turkey, from 25.10.23 to 27.10.23.

Within the framework of the official visit of the Chairman of the city of Kulob, dear Nazarzoda Bakhtiyor Khudoyar, and the rector of the Institute of Technology and Innovative Management in the city of Kulob, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Shahiyon Almossho Nabot, with the aim of signing beneficial cooperation agreements with the higher universities of Turkey for the operation of industrial enterprises in the city of Hunia, Republic of Turkey, they visited the mausoleum of Mavlono Jalaliddin Balkhi.

Within the framework of this visit, the Chairman of the city of Kulob, dear Nazarzoda Bakhtiyor Khudoyer and the rector of the Institute of Innovative Technologies and Management in Kulab, Doctor of Technical Sciences Shahien Almosho Nabot from Karatai University in Konya, Turkey, had a fruitful meeting with the leadership of this prestigious university.

During the meeting, a cooperation agreement was signed to create a Tajik-Turkish joint faculty in an atmosphere of friendship in order to train competitive labor market specialists.

Also during the official visit, a meeting was held with the head of the Ihsan Mine Agency. During the meeting, the parties decided to create a robotics center and a joint venture, which the parties gladly accepted.

In order to participate in the international scientific and practical conference on Modern approaches to the joint development of technologies and capabilities of outer space in ensuring technological development, innovation and digitization of production within the framework of the implementation of strategic goals of the state on December 22-23, 2023, scientists:

  1. Manko Olga Mikhailovna-Doctor of Medicine, Professor, leading researcher, Head of the scientific group Physiology and Psychophysiology of Vision, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Institute of Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  2. Bitus Yevgeny Ivanovich-Doctor of Economics, Professor, international expert on working with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, SCO and the European Union, Russian University of Biotechnology, Federal Reserve, Honorary Professor of the the Institute of Innovative Technologies and Management in Kulab ;

They visited the institute and spoke at the opening session of this conference. Classes with the participation of students and students were also held in the conference sectors. It should be recalled that 7 rectors of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan delivered a congratulatory speech at the conference. The conference was also attended by 8 participants from higher educational institutions abroad.

Cooperation of the Institute with Higher Universities

Republic of Uzbekistan

Based on the official visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Republic of Tajikistan on June 10-11, 2021 and the wording of the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on cooperation in higher education and science, we inform you that currently with 11 universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan and 1 Academy:

  1. Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khorazmi;
  2. Tashkent chemical-technological institute;
  3. Urgench State University;
  4. Namangon Engineering-Technological Institute;
  5. Branch of Termiz State University in Dehinav;
  6. Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service;
  7. Khorezm Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (memorandum);
  8. Fergana State University;
  9. Tashkent State Energy University;
  10. Samarhand State University named after Sharof Rashidov;
  11. Bukhara State University;
  12. Tashkent State University of Economics;

We have signed fruitful cooperation agreements, within the framework of which, within the framework of these agreements, joint scientific and innovative research work, the head of applicants, participation in scientific and cultural events, round tables, conferences and the publication of joint scientific books are well established.

Information about the fruitful cooperation of the Institute of Innovative Technologies and Management in Kulab with higher universities of the People's Republic of China within the framework of cooperation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

In order to develop and strengthen cooperation between Tajikistan and the People's Republic of China within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Institute of Technology and Innovative Management in the city of Kulob with Donhua University (Shanghai) and Fujian Normal University (Fuzhou) taking into account economic, cultural and educational relations, as well as an agreement signed between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Tajikistan on cooperation in the field of education, which aims to support and develop mutual relations and equality. Also within the framework of these agreements, the exchange of students and teachers, the exchange of information in the field of scientific and technological research, retraining, professional development and training of teaching staff, joint research programs on educational issues, as well as the holding of conferences, symposiums, round tables and the organization of exhibitions are envisaged.

It should be noted that cooperation with the Anyan Vocational and Technical College of Henan region on the establishment of the Chinese and English Language Learning Center is underway, and it is expected that this center will be established at the Institute from the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year.

On 25.09.23, representatives from this University visited on an official visit by the official invitation of the Board of the Institute. During this visit, they met with the Institute's management and expressed their readiness for joint cooperation.

It is worth noting that on 29.12.23 a meeting with the representatives of 2 universities of Henan was held in virtual form, where the representatives of the 2 universities spoke with the board. The parties expressed their readiness for scientific cooperation in the direction of training specialists in various fields, including the food industry, medicine and artificial intelligence. The parties agreed that in March 2024, they will invite the Institute's management to sign cooperation agreements. They will also visit the institute in April 2024.

European Union programs Erasmus+, TEMPUS The department of the Institute of Innovative Technologies and Management in Kulob, for an active company to attract foreign investors and search for grants, has achieved achievements that can lead to this example of the European Erasmus+ TEMPUS project. It should be noted that from the beginning of its activity to the present time, the Institute has expanded the scope of its international cooperation and signed mutually beneficial cooperation agreements with the European Union. The project is currently being implemented:





The investor and the state implementing the project



Name of the project





European Union, Erasmus+ project, project coordinator Romanian University of Technology European Union, Erasmus+ project, project coordinator Romanian University of Technology


OFINU (Open Food Innovation University)

with the support of the European Union. During the first half of the 2023-2024 academic year, work was carried out to add the necessary documents to the official ERASMUS+ website. This project will officially come into force from the beginning of the new year 2024. The purpose of this project in the innovation and technology park of the Institute is to create a canning center with all the testing equipment.

It is also the development and implementation of training courses at the country and abroad. The project creates a new type of interaction between higher education, the business sector (food industry) and the labor market, thereby creating the basis for the development of an innovative approach necessary for a knowledge-based economy. Applying an innovative approach – the innovative University of Open Nutrition - in which universities and the business sector jointly create knowledge, develop competencies and skills available for full-time study, and other forms of education, improving the quality, accessibility and relevance of education to the needs of target sectors


Offers/ Suggestions

Establishment of a joint scientific council in cooperation with professors from higher universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation

  1. Attracting applicants to the Institute of citizens from abroad;
  2. Implementation of joint scientific and innovative projects
  3. Search for scholarships and grants from the European Union Erasmus+ for student education and professional retraining of the Institute's staff;
  4. Advanced training of the Institute's employees in the framework of natural, decimal and mathematical disciplines;
  5. Attracting professors from higher universities abroad to give lectures in person and in virtual form;
  6. Establishment of the Chinese and English Language Learning Center in cooperation with higher universities of the People's Republic of China;
  7. In order to increase the prestige (rating) of the institute at the international level, conducting specialties from international accreditation based on daily requirements;
  8. Continuation of cooperation with higher education universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including Tashkent State Technical University named by Islam Karimov for the defense of scientific dissertations;
  9. Search for sources of financing in cooperation with JICA, GIZ, UNDP and relevant embassies and agencies of foreign countries operating in the Republic of Tajikistan;