General information

The Institute of Innovative Technologies and Management in Kulyab has been functioning as an infrastructure of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan on the basis of licenses and regulatory documents since 2004.     

The educational activities of the Institute in the 2022-2023 academic year are carried out at 4 faculties and 10 departments, including: 9 - specialized departments, 33 - specialties at the bachelor's level, 10 specialties at the master's level and 10 specialties at the doctoral level in the specialty (Phd).

The total number of students at the Institute as of 10.10.2022 is 2385 people, including: There are 1,824 people in the full-time department, 771 people in the distance department, 45 people in the master's degree, 14 people in the doctoral program. Of the total number of students, 672 are female students and 1,714 are boys. According to the presidential quota, 32 students study at the institute, including 10 biathronics and 22 boys. There are 45 students enrolled in the Master's program in 10 specialties.

In 2022-2023, seven new specialties were opened at the institute:

Specialty 1-480104 "technology of electrochemical industry"
Specialty 1-48010107 "technology of building materials based on viscous substances"
Specialty 1-48010101 "technology of mineral fertilizers of salts and alkalis"
Specialty 1-98010101 "computer security (mathematical methods and software systems)"
Specialty 1-530101 "Automation of technological processes and production (by directions)"
Specialty 1-250103 "world economy"
Specialty 1-260101 "modern foreign languages"

In the educational field, the main focus last year was on the following issues::

-at the level of today's requirements, the establishment of the activities of subject clubs, the faculty of natural, mathematical and exact disciplines;

- creation of a Small Academy of Sciences in the Departments of Natural, Mathematical and Exact Sciences and an increase in the number of members of these academies;

- in order to introduce competent lessons, develop work programs for each academic discipline;

- the introduction of active methods of teaching bakhusus in natural, mathematical and exact disciplines;

- revision of the educational standards of each specialty and educational plans and programs based on a new vision based on the state standard of the ITOC;

- in the 2021-2022 academic year, obtain a license to carry out educational activities in the field of artificial intelligence:

 1-400301-artificial intelligence
  1-40030102-intelligent computer information security technologies;
1-40030104-intelligent computer technologies of distance learning

The main achievements of the Institute in the implementation of educational, methodological, scientific and educational programs for 2022-2023:

- 3 students received a presidential scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year;
- 4 teachers and 2 students were accepted for the scholarship of the chairman of the Khatlon region;
- creation and functioning of 10 departments, including 9 specialized departments;
- creation and activity of 4 faculties;
- creation and operation of 3 departments, 5 departments, 12 centers, 3 services;
- creation and operation of 5 production workshops in the innovation and technology park;
- 311 teachers have been involved in the work;
- 6 defense of the candidate's thesis by the teachers of the Institute;
- Choppy 4-scientific article in international journals of the Institute's teachers;
- training of 2385 students;
- graduation of 413 students in 2022;
- creation and operation of 12 laboratories and 24 technical rooms;
- expansion of the activities of the Tajik-Russian joint scientific school "promising scientific technologies" by creating a new scientific center;  
- creation of a training center with 5 foreign languages;
-At the Olympiad, which was held to receive the award "Cup of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan" in 12 scientific fields, the Olympic team of the Institute took second place, another person was awarded an honorary (4th) place.

In 2021, the teachers of the Institute published 10 textbooks, 8 monographs, 21 textbooks, 22 methodological manuals, 410 scientific articles in scientific journals and newspapers.