Leaders / Vice-Rector for Innovation, Digitalization and International Relations

Hakimov Iskandar Bozorovich

Hakimov Iskandar Bozorovich

Vice-Rector for Innovation, Digitalization and International Relations

Khakimov Iskandar Bozorovich

Vice-Rector for Innovation, Digitalization and External Relations

Born on January 19, 1991 in the Republic of Tajikistan, Tajik,

higher education. Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor.

Education: higher. Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology

Specialization: electrochemical engineer.

2010-2015 - student of Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology, Russian Federation

In 2017-2018 Assistant at the Department of Biotechnology at the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in Kulob;

2018-2019 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Distance Education, Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in Kulob;

2019-2023 – Dean of the joint Tajik-Russian faculty of the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in Kulyab;

From 12/27/2023 to the present - Vice-Rector for Innovation, Digitalization and External Relations of the Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management.
