ERASMUS+DECIDE Беҳтар намудани хизматрасони барои шахсони имконияташон маҳдуд

 19.02.2018, 15:04:22     29


       The state educational establishment of Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management was formed by name Kulob branch of the Technological University of Tajikistan (KBTUT) according to the decision of Government of Republic of Tajikistan №471, from October 25, 2003 year. The place an arrangement of branch was determined on a basis financially of technical base former kindergarten №8 Kulob city  and under the decision of Government of Republic of Tajikistan №46-f from August 5, 1999 year.

       The founder of the KBTUT was the Ministry of Industry and new technologies of Republic of Tajikistan, the development of educational activity in sphere of maximum professional training is carried out according to observance of the appropriate standards both license of Ministry of education and science of Republic of Tajikistan №0001026, from February 29, 2012. From the 13-th of March 2015 year with a decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Kulob branch of the Technological University of Tajikistan renamed to “Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management”.  Total numbers of students is 2500 and they study in 35 specialists.



Contact person:

  • Mr. Nozimov Habibullo Abdulloevich
  • Head of the Department of International Relations,
  • Kulob Institute of Technology and 
  • Innovation Management,
  • Borbad Street, 735360
  • Kulob, Tajikistan
  • Tel/Fax: (+992)-83322-2-13-57
  • Mobile: (+992)-918-55-45-48
  • E-mail:
  • Skype name: habibullo_n